Wednesday 11 April 2012

Information Functions

The Fathers of the Oxford Oratory would like to invite you to attend an Information Function for the Reaffirmation & Renewal Campaign. These Information Functions are a chance for you to learn a bit more about our building and fundraising projects. There is a short, informal presentation and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. All are very welcome.

The upcoming dates are:

  • Wednesday 18th April at 8:00pm
  • Saturday 28th April at 2:00pm
  • Friday 18th May at 8:00pm
  • Wednesday 30th May at 3:00pm

Numbers are limited to allow plenty of opportunity for questions and feedback, though you are welcome to bring guests. To book a place, please e-mail Fr Nicholas at or phone 01865 315 816.

Presentations take place in the Guild Room, which can be accessed via the Lodge.